Balkans Property Forum and AI in Real Estate

Balkans Property Forum and AI in Real Estate

Ilija Lazarević, CEO of DataBrut, took the stage as a distinguished keynote speaker at the Balkans Property Forum, an event that convenes professionals from the realms of real estate development, investments, banking, and finance. In this notable appearance, Ilija Lazarević undertook the crucial task of demystifying the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for an audience less specialized in the field, with a specific focus on its transformative potential within the Balkans Real Estate markets.

Ilija Lazarević strategically honed in on a pivotal concept, emphasizing that the cornerstone for unleashing the full power of AI in the Balkans Real Estate sector lies in data. He illuminated how the judicious collection, management, and utilization of data can serve as the catalyst for enhancing decision-making processes, optimizing operations, and bolstering profitability. The speech spotlighted a compelling AI use case through the lens of Automated Valuations in Real Estate, offering attendees a tangible framework to envision how AI can revolutionize their businesses and streamline their day-to-day roles. Ilija Lazarević’s presentation left an indelible mark, empowering professionals in the Balkans Real Estate domain to harness AI’s transformative potential with data-driven precision.

Check out the keynote presentation below:

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