Talk at ML Conference 2023, Serbia

Talk at ML Conference 2023, Serbia

Last week, we had the privilege of participating in the highly anticipated ML Conference 2023, held in Palic, Serbia. The conference proved to be an incredible experience, filled with insightful workshops, engaging talks, and valuable networking opportunities. We are thrilled to share our reflections on this exceptional event.

Zeroth Day Workshop and Basics of Data Science

Prior to the conference, we took part in the enlightening zeroth day workshop dedicated to future students. During this workshop, we had the opportunity to impart the basics of Data Science, providing the attendees with a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly evolving field. It was rewarding to share our knowledge and contribute to inspiring the next generation of AI enthusiasts.

Conference Day: A Delightful Blend of Learning and Networking

On the 18th of May, the conference day arrived, and we were filled with excitement. The day was nothing short of delightful, as we immersed ourselves in the engaging talks and connected with professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries. Networking with colleagues and forging new connections proved invaluable, allowing us to exchange ideas, learn from each other, and strengthen our professional network.

Our Talk: “Real Estate and Property Price Prediction”

The second day of the conference was particularly invigorating for us, as we had the opportunity to present our own talk titled “Real Estate and Property Price Prediction.” This talk enabled us to showcase our domain expertise and share insights on the application of data science in the real estate industry. The interactive Q&A session that followed allowed for enriching discussions and provided valuable takeaways for both the audience and ourselves.

Gratitude for an Unforgettable Experience:

In conclusion, our participation in ML Conference 2023 was an incredible journey that left a lasting impression. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the organizers for inviting us to speak at this prestigious conference in Serbia. The opportunity to contribute, learn, and connect with professionals in the field was truly invaluable. We return from the conference with newfound knowledge, renewed inspiration, and an unwavering commitment to further advancing the field of AI and data science.

As we reflect on this wonderful experience, we eagerly look forward to future conferences and opportunities to share our expertise, collaborate with industry peers, and continue pushing the boundaries of AI innovation.